About Us

Our Mission

At JUNK PRO, simply put, we want to help you with all your junk removal needs.  We understand that sometimes it's hard to let go of certain things, but sometimes you just have to...a clean and clutter-free home and/or work space is a lot happier place.  We strive to do this economically, efficiently, effectively and as eco-friendly as possible.

Our Story

I, Mitchell Angelo, have a desire to help others.  As a hearing specialist for nine years, I literally helped others "listen to life again" through hearing aids.  From there, I felt a calling to help those with mobility issues by starting ALL CARE TRANZPORT, a medical transportation service.  For three years, it allowed me to assist others reach their important medical appointments and treatments while forming many, many great relationships...with my clients and their families as well as many of the medical and staff personnel at our many fine area facilities.

In keeping with the 'need' to help others, I understand that with our busy lives, sometimes we all need a helping-hand and someone with the resources and desires to "RESPONSIBLY" rid our lives of any 'distractions', i.e = JUNK.   You see, years ago, our Monday night trash pick up consisted of 2 garbage cans and usually another bag placed on top of one of those cans.  While doing some research one night, I stumbled across some statistics about how much trash and garbage we as humans 'throw away' each day, month, year, etc.  But you see, it doesn't just 'go away'...it piles up more and more and more not only polluting our land but also our water and air which hurts, poisons and wreaks havoc on the sea and land creatures...including us!  So, I immediately implemented a recycling program at our house and now those 2 large garbage cans is down to about one bag TOTAL - and this for a family of FIVE! Our recycle pick up nights...well...let's just say that it's piled up pretty high with several containers.  And, since they only pick up every other week, I have to take all those containers to the closest drop-off site in between pick ups because we have so much...and I don't ind a bit!  If you stop and think about it, it just makes sense to recycle as much as possible.

A few more points: The next time you see some trash, maybe on the way into a store or something, try taking a second and picking it up and disposing of it, hopefully there's a recycle bin nearby...you'll be amazed how good it feels.  Also, how bad does trash on our roadways look?  There's several ways or programs out there where a group or organization 'adopts' a certain portion of a road and meet at certain times to clean up that area...try joining one or even starting one!   Lastly, we only have one Earth...we ALL need to do our part in keeping her clean!

Hopefully you get the feeling that I am passionate about recycling as well as getting and keeping things clean and that you'll call us to help YOU do the same!

Meet the Team

We are building our team and will only partner with those with respect, responsibility and great work ethic as just a few of the attributes.

Mitch Angelo

Founder and CEO

Hard Working Family Man Dedicated to Helping Others and "Doing The Right Thing Because It's The Right Thing To Do!"



Next Steps...

Call us at JUNK PRO for your junk removal needs!